Phone (559) 431-5437
Fax (559) 449-1235
7805 North Palm Avenue
Fresno, California 93711
Fresno's PREMIER Elementary-Prepatory Preschool
Ages 2 to 6 years
Call to schedule a tour with our director
offered weekdays 9:30-10:30am.
Located on PALM & NEES behind GB3
Experience the Play in Learning!
First Day of School Checklist
The following is the items needed for a smooth first day:
Bring your child's:
Backpack and water bottle with your child's name printed on the outside.
Extra change of clothes to leave in cubby. Be sure to write your child's name on all jackets, sweaters, and spare clothes!
Lunch with ice pack if child is staying during the lunch hour. Be sure your child's name is printed on the outside.
Return to the front office:
All enrollment forms, fully completed;
Inhaler forms with inhaler to be kept in front office, if applicable
Lobby sign-in:
Check them in on the computer;
If your child takes a nap, be sure to sign them up on the nap list in the lobby.
We understand, no matter how well prepared and excited a family may be, the newness can be a little scary for everybody. We don't consider any questions or concerns you have to be unimportant or silly.
Sometimes saying goodbye isn’t easy. We recommend you keep it reassuring, short and sweet. Prolonging the inevitable often does not help the situation. Ten minutes or so should do it; however, we will not rush you and respect your right to decide how to best handle the situation with your child.
We are committed to provide an environment that will give your child every opportunity to develop to their greatest potential. We sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a rewarding and trusting relationship between your family and our staff!