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Commonly Asked Questions

"Gone are the days of my childhood where preschool was simply a place to go while parents worked. The ever increasing difficulty of elementary school curriculum almost necessitates that a child be exposed to the entire learning environment before attending kindergarten.


With this in mind, my wife and I visited many preschools in the area hoping to find the one that would best fit our children. I wish we would have visited Bluff View first as it would have saved us a lot of time and headache.


While other schools in the area are good, for one reason or another, none of them felt right for our children. We wanted a place that not only prepared our children academically for elementary school and beyond, but also a place that nurtured the child and helped them grow. After all, these are young children who need to learn so many things unrelated to academics that are important for life outside of school such as self-confidence, independence and social interaction.


Bluff View is great in that everyone there is focused on providing the best experience for each child. When our son needed that extra care to transition from home to school, they provided it. When he needed the responsibility to bring out his voice and personality, they provided it. And when we had the choice to send our son to Kindergarten at Bluff View or in the school system, we chose Bluff View because we knew he would mature best there.


When I am approached by others about preschool decisions, I tell them all to visit Bluff View. Sending our children there was the best thing we could have done to prepare them for life after preschool. We see the results of that decision every day and are thankful that they have had that opportunity."


-Faisal Razzaqi, MD

Pediatric Oncologist

Father to 3 boys

At what age can my child start your program? 

We start our students at 2 years old and go to 6 years old.


If my child starts at 2 years old, do they have to be potty trained?

Yes. All students, regardless of age, must be potty trained in order to attend Bluff View School. Please see our potty training tips page to get more info on how to help potty train your child. 

What are your prices and do you offer full day and half day options?

We offer a variety of half day and full day schedules. Please see here to get all the info!


Do you offer early arrival or after school options?

Our Early Arrival is available at 7:30 to 8:30am. We also offer an After School program at 3:30 to 5:30pm. Please see here for more information. 


Where are you located?

We are located on Palm and Nees in Park Place. Drive to the left of GB3 and follow the road past the 4-story building. Look for our big Bluff View sign and circle drive directly in front of our building.


What curriculum do you use? 

We use the Houghton Mifflin Pre-k and Kindergarten curriculum, an in-depth program that provides children with the foundational skills they need to succeed as lifelong learners. For more information, visit here.


Do you offer transitional kindergarten?

We address the individual and unique needs of transitional kindergartners by assessing them and placing them in the appropriate classroom. This ensures that they are fully prepared for the rigors of Common Core in kindergarten and beyond.


Will my child be with other children their same age?

Yes. Classrooms are sorted by age. Students in each classrooms have birthdays within 6-9 months of their fellow classmates.


Will my child stay with the same teacher the entire school year?

Yes, your child will begin the school year and end the school year with the same teacher and classroom. The school year begins mid-August and ends in June. Our 6 week Summer Program starts the second half of June and goes through July. Please see here for more information regarding our calendar year.


What type of backgrounds do your teachers and staff have?

Our staff has a variety of education from Child Development certifications to Bachelor Degrees and Credentials. Our teachers are specially chosen for their dedication to meeting the developmental and educational needs of children. All staff members possess a wide variety of experiences and expertise in the area of Early Childhood Education.


Is your staff fingerprinted and do they have training in CPR and First Aid?

Yes! Our staff is fingerprinted with complete background checks. They receive annual CPR and First Aid training.




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